We Rock the Spectrum – Agoura Hills offers School’s Out Camp for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer breaks, as well as anytime school is out for a holiday. Our daily School’s Out Camp hours are from 9 AM – 2 PM (with after care available).
For pricing information and to book your child for one of our School’s Out Camp sessions for an upcoming break or holiday, please call ahead.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What Do Kids Do During Your School’s Out Program?
During our School’s Out Program, we offer a range of activities for ALL children of ALL abilities. The exact activities offered vary for every program, but below are the main options that you can expect when signing up:
- supervised open play
- art and/or sensory fun activity
- games
- lunch and snack (provided by us)
- What Is the Minimum Age for My Child To Attend?
We accept all kids of all abilities ages 2 and up.
- Are Your Programs Only for Kids with Special Needs?
Absolutely not, but at We Rock the Spectrum we believe in an all-inclusive environment, and that means that we will accept children of all abilities. Our motto is “Finally a place where you never have to say “I’m Sorry!”. We strive to create an environment everyday where all children can play, learn, and grow together.
- What Is Your Child to Staff Ratio?
Unlike most area day programs, we offer a 1 to 4 staff to child ratio. We also provide one to one attendant care for an additional fee.
- Does My Child Need a One to One Attendant?
Children who are at risk of elopement and/or have behavior issues which could be a safety concern will require a one to one attendant. If you aren’t certain if your child needs this level of support, we ask you to bring your child for Open Play prior to our School’s Out Program so we can determine together the level of support needed. There is an additional fee for one to one attendant care.
- Does My Child Need to Be Potty Trained?
Children must be ages 2 and up but they do not need to be potty trained. This includes older children with special needs.
- How Do I Reserve My Child a Spot in Your School’s Out Program?
Reserving your child’s spot is easy! Just call us at 818-991-5437 or send us an email at info@werockthespectrumagourahills.com to register whenever we are offering our School’s Out Program.

30315 Canwood St.
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Phone: 818-991- KIDS (5437)
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